Pest Control FAQs: Tips for Prevention and Removal

Are there any simple methods of pest control that cost less?

Yes, some methods of pest control are simple and less expensive than others. However, the cost of pest control depends on the severity of the infestation and the type of pest that needs to be treated. Sometimes, more involved methods are necessary for long-lasting solutions.

What type of pest management solutions do you provide?

We provide various pest management solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients. Our goal is to provide long-lasting peace of mind by controlling and eliminating pests effectively.

How do I prepare for indoor pest control?

Depending on the type of pest infestation, specific measures may need to be taken. For instance, if the pest is found in the kitchen, it may be necessary to clear out the cabinets and countertops before treatment. However, it is advisable to consult our office to determine if this is indeed necessary. On the other hand, if the pest is found in the living space, it may be necessary to remove items from the floor, such as shoes, pet dishes, toys, magazines, low-hanging clothing in closets, and non-furniture items.

Individuals who have allergies that may be affected by pesticides should leave the house until the products have dried and the house or business is adequately ventilated. Additionally, all aquariums should be covered and air hoses turned off and raised above the floor. Pets should be contained outside or removed to an offsite location and kept away from the house or business until the building has been ventilated and dried after pesticide application.

How to get rid of pests without pesticides?

One effective way to prevent pest infestations is by altering the environment to make it less attractive to pests. This can be done by implementing exclusion barriers, eliminating food and water sources, and physically removing the pests by using traps.

Exclusion barriers involve sealing off any openings or cracks in walls, roofs, or foundations that may allow pests to enter. This can be done by caulking or using mesh screens to cover vents and windows.

Eliminating food and water sources can be achieved by keeping food storage areas clean and dry, fixing leaky pipes and faucets, and promptly cleaning up spills and crumbs. Additionally, garbage and compost should be stored in sealed containers away from the house or business.

Traps are a physical means of removing pests and can be used to capture and release pests, or in some cases, to kill them. Different types of traps are available for different pests, such as sticky traps for rodents or pheromone traps for moths.

What time of year is best for pest control?

The ideal timing for pest control varies depending on the specific type of pest you are dealing with and the corresponding weather changes. During spring, when plants and flowers are blooming, bees are attracted to collect pollen, while other overwintering insects emerge to breed and grow their populations. In summer, pests like ants, centipedes, millipedes, beetles, fleas, ticks, pigeons, and spiders are most prevalent due to the abundance of insects they feed on. In winter, mammals such as rats, mice, squirrels, chipmunks, and certain bird species seek warmth by attempting to enter barns, attics, and crawlspaces.

Don’t wait for infestations to happen, give us a call to solve all your pest control issues.

What is the Most Damaging Pest?

Rats: They can chew wiring in walls and attics that can cause house fires. Pigeons: can stain exteriors of homes and buildings with their Feces. Carpenter Ants: They can chew framing of homes that ruin the integrity. Carpenter Bees: They can tunnel into house siding ruining the appearance. Beetles: They can contaminate food grain products and other stored product. Wasps in walls and ceilings: They can destroy walls and ceilings expanding Their nests

For more information about these pests, check out our blog!

Is Pest Control Worth Doing?

Pest control can be a valuable investment for both homeowners and business owners. By taking preventative measures and addressing infestations promptly, pest control can help protect your property from damage, prevent the spread of disease, and provide peace of mind.

While pest control may involve some upfront costs, the long-term benefits can far outweigh the expense. Regular pest control treatments can help prevent infestations before they occur, potentially saving you money on costly repairs or replacement of damaged property. In addition, pest control can help maintain the value of your property by keeping it free of unsightly and potentially harmful pests.

Overall, pest control is worth doing if you want to protect your property and ensure a safe and healthy environment. Consult with us at Townsend Pest Control to determine the best course of action for your specific needs.

Are Camel Spiders Found in the Desert of Las Vegas?

Camel spiders, also known as wind scorpions or sun spiders, are not actually true spiders but rather a type of solifugae. While they are commonly associated with desert regions, including the Middle East and North Africa, they are not typically found in the Las Vegas desert.

Las Vegas is located in the Mojave Desert, which is known for its extreme temperature variations and sparse vegetation. While there are a variety of insects and arachnids that can be found in the Mojave, including scorpions, tarantulas, and various species of spiders, camel spiders are not commonly found in this area.

If you are concerned about pests in your area, it’s best to contact Townsend pest control for advice and assistance.

Why am I still seeing bugs after pest control?

The effectiveness and duration of pest control treatment vary depending on the type of pest control used. In some cases, a combination of growth regulators and contact insecticides is employed. Contact insecticides work quickly, killing bugs upon contact. However, it’s important to note that immature stages of the bugs might not be in the same areas as the mature bugs. They could be hiding in cracks and crevices that are inaccessible to insect sprays.

Over time, the immature bugs will emerge from these hiding spots as adults and come into contact with the insecticide and growth regulators. This exposure will eventually cause their demise. Additionally, growth regulators can sterilize insects, preventing them from reproducing and halting the production of new bugs.

Typically, contact insecticides provide rapid results within a period of 3 to 4 days. On the other hand, the effects of growth regulators may take longer, usually around 2 to 3 weeks, as they work to disrupt the pests’ life cycle.

Therefore, if you are still seeing bugs after pest control, it is likely due to the presence of immature bugs in hidden areas, which will eventually be eradicated as they come in contact with the treatment. Patience is essential during this process, and you should observe a significant reduction in the bug population within the expected timeframe.

Do you need to wipe everything down after fumigation?

After fumigation, it is generally recommended to wipe down surfaces to remove any residue or particles that may have settled. However, it is essential to follow the specific instructions provided by the fumigation professionals who conducted the treatment.

  1. Wait for the designated re-entry time specified by the professionals.
  2. Ventilate the area by opening windows and doors to let fresh air circulate.
  3. Wipe down surfaces using a mild detergent or soap mixed with water.
  4. Launder or clean fabrics that were exposed to the fumigation.
  5. Clean dishes and utensils that may have been left exposed.
  6. Dispose of any open food items that were not stored in airtight containers.

Remember, these are general recommendations, and it’s crucial to consult the fumigation professionals for specific instructions tailored to your situation. They will provide you with detailed guidance to ensure your safety and proper cleanup after the fumigation process.

Why do exterminators spray baseboards?

Exterminators spray baseboards as a crucial step in pest control for several reasons. Firstly, many different types of insects tend to travel along baseboards during nighttime, which is when insect activity is typically at its highest. These insects rely on tactile perception rather than sight to navigate, and they use the baseboards as a guide while foraging for food.

Moreover, certain insects reside beneath the baseboards or behind the carpet tack strip that secures the carpeting. To effectively target and eliminate these pests, it is essential to utilize a crack and crevice tool. This specialized tool allows exterminators to reach the hidden areas where the insects actually live, such as the gaps and crevices behind the baseboards and tack strip.

By spraying the baseboards with precision using the crack and crevice tool, exterminators can directly address the insect populations residing in these specific locations, maximizing the effectiveness of the treatment.

Therefore, applying spray to baseboards serves as a strategic approach to combat insects that utilize baseboards for navigation or harbor within the hidden spaces behind them.

Should I vacuum after pest control?

Vacuuming after pest control is highly recommended as it serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it allows you to remove any dead insects that may have been affected by the treatment. By cleaning up these remains, you can assess the effectiveness of the pest control the following day and monitor if any insects are still emerging from the baseboard areas.

If you are dealing with a flea infestation, vacuuming becomes even more important. It is advisable to vacuum under cushions on the couch and in the primary areas where your pet sleeps or spends most of its time. Flea eggs are typically dry and translucent, and vacuuming can help disrupt the flea life cycle. The vibrations caused by the vacuum cleaner stimulate fleas in their cocoon stage, leading them to emerge and come into contact with the chemical spray used during the treatment, ultimately causing their demise.

In summary, vacuuming after pest control aids in removing dead insects, allows for monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment, and helps address flea infestations by exposing dormant fleas to the treatment chemicals. Therefore, it is a beneficial practice to incorporate into your post-pest control routine.

Do I need to unplug electronics during fumigation?

To ensure the safety of your electronic devices during fumigation, it is generally advised to unplug them and power them off before the process begins. Consult with the fumigation professionals for specific instructions tailored to your situation. Safely store the unplugged electronics in sealed bags or protective covers, and consider moving them to a different area away from the fumigation zone if possible. Follow the professional advice regarding when it is safe to reconnect and resume normal use of your electronics. By taking these precautions, you can minimize the potential risks associated with fumigation and protect your electronic devices.

How do you get rid of the smell after pest control?

To eliminate the odor after pest control, ventilate the area by opening windows and doors, and use fans to increase airflow. Place bowls of activated charcoal or baking soda to absorb odors, clean surfaces with vinegar or mild detergent, and wash fabrics exposed to the treatment. Air out carpets and rugs, and vacuum to remove any residual particles. If the odor persists, consult the pest control professionals for further guidance. With proper ventilation, cleaning, and time, the smell should gradually disappear.