One of my off days
It seems that some days nothing goes right, and today was one of those days, I seem to run into complications on those days that I haven’t had a good hearty breakfast. Just a cup of coffee and a sweet roll is easy but I just dipped my jelly filled pastry into my coffee and all the yummy filling went into my coffee. Then when I was trying to clean the jelly out of the cup some of it got on my new tie and shirt. Probably not going to be a top drawer day. Any way here’s my story that happened last week. I was sitting in my one room office trying to read a police report on the latest investigation I was hired to find out why the building janitor kept missing cleaning the vacant office space on the 5th floor of this building when suddenly a loud knock on my door woke me up so I spilled the rest of my coffee on my newly dry cleaned suit pants. I yelled who is it? The voice on the other side yelled it’s me Margery Ollery! Wow I thought she was out of my life when she dumped me for another guy. I said come on in,
as she came in I motioned for Margery to take a seat while I poured us both a cup of coffee. Just then the door swung open and two men with guns drawn pointed them at Margery and told her she was about to meet her maker if she didn’t turn over the flash drive. She jumps up and claims she doesn’t have it. I told them that I am a private detective and I will get it for them if they would give me time to talk to her. They said O.K, but we want an answer soon. They left me a card that said they were from the “Only bologna Casino”. They left but couldn’t seem to get the door shut. Margery walk over and closed it. Okay Margery let’s hear the whole story about the flash drive. She said she was now married and has two sons. Her oldest boy named Dwight seems to have a gambling problem and these two men are after a flash drive that Dwight has on their casino books. ” I may believe that he has a little gambling problem, but nobody breaks into an office with guns drawn unless there’s more to it than a bad debt”.
Margery sat there for a moment, and then set her purse on the desk, and said “Alright Keith I’ll tell you. Bob and I have been having problems with my son Dwight. “What kind of problems?” I Asked. Dwight has gotten mixed up with an older boy named Fred. Fred is about 18 years old and is very adapt to computers. In fact Dwight and Fred have been hacking on the internet, and have gotten into some top level files from an outfit called LaterZap that is a front for the “Only Bologna Casino” It wouldn’t have been such a problem but these files contain evidence of a stock market insider trade that includes some very important people in the LaterZap Corporation. Bill one of the vice presidents was involved in uncovering this secret, and he knows that his position in the company would be jeopardized if certain people get a hold of the information. Bill ordered The file to be put on a flash drive and stored in the safe, and then while he was still on the phone he ordered a pizza. They were able to trace what computer was hacking into their system and also put that on another flash drive. Dwight was just trying to get the flash drive and destroy it. We also told both boys not to do anymore hacking, and Dwight assures me the only hacking he will do now is the hacking from those cheap marijuana hits he does. This story seems odd to me, but I have to know why these men burst into my office with their guns drawn, and by the way, where is Dwight? I asked. Dwight is staying with Kurt my first husband, he is remarried now, and his new wife Linda is okay with this arrangement. “It’s amazing how well they get along”. Just as she said this, a shot rang out in the next room. I jumped up and swung open the door just in time to see Dwight standing over one of the men who had burst into my office earlier. The man looked pretty messed up, but he was alive. I asked Dwight to take his foot off the man’s chest and asked him, “what happened?”. He said both the men were arguing and all of a sudden one of them pulled out his gun and shot the other one. I reached for a phone and called 911. After giving them the address, I hung up. In about 45 minutes the emergency truck pulled up outside and the medics came in. 20 minutes later the cops were there too. You could tell they had just finished their donut stop, as powdered sugar was all over their uniform. They asked me what happened and i turned to explain that I had a client in my office when these men came in and broke down my door. I looked back towards Margery, and she was gone with her son. One of the cops said, “I don’t see anyone here but you. Where is the gun? I motioned to my holster gun and immediately they drew their pistols. “Drop the gun!” one of them said, “Hit the floor!” another one said. I replied, “Wait a minute, you got this all wrong, there was another man here, and he shot this guy!” About that time one of the cops hit me with a stun gun. I was out for the count. The next thing i knew, it was morning and I was in a cell at the city jail. It seems about an hour or so after i woke up that they brought me something to eat. A sweet young lady named Ellen brought in my meal to me. I asked her where everyone was and she told me that there had been a fire at the schoolhouse two blocks away and that all the officers except the desk sergeant Dave Kibble had left to watch the firemen put it out. Later that morning, I got a visitor, Steve Doneit was a court appointed attorney for me.